Matchstick - spark random ideas
Matchstick is here to help spark random ideas.
Use it for coming up with names of projects, get ideas for your next screenplay, or maybe an improv comedy prompt is needed.
This was built with the Anbernic RG280V in mind, it should run on other devices that run the following operating systems:
- OpenDingux (Stock)
- OpenDingux Beta
- OpenDingux "Rogue" Edition
Try my first app, Parisukat and see if Matchstick will work on your device: Download Parisukat Free
- A lot of words organized in many collections.
- Save to individual text files. (~/Matchstick)
- Spark; randomize word collections and words.
- Snowclone; randomize variable words within common phrases.
- Prompt; randomized creative prompts.
In Start Menu screen
Up, Down: move between menu settings
Start: confirm selection
Spark Screen
L1: Randomize collections and words
R1: Randomize words only
X/Y/A/B + Up: Change collection forward
X/Y/A/B + Down: Change collection backward
X/Y/A/B + Left: Randomize collection
X/Y/A/B + Right: Randomize words
Start: Save words to text file
Select: Open main menu
Snowclone Screen
L1: Randomize collections and words
R1: Randomize words only
X/Y/A + Up: Change collection forward
X/Y/A + Down: Change collection backward
X/Y/A + Left: Randomize collection
X/Y/A + Right: Randomize words
B + Up: Change Snowclone forward
B + Down: Change Snowclone backward
B + Left/Right: Randomize Snowclone
Start: Save words to text file
Select: Open main menu
Prompt Screen
L1: Randomize collections and words
R1: Randomize words only
X/Y/A + Up: Change collection forward
X/Y/A + Down: Change collection backward
X/Y/A + Left: Randomize collection
X/Y/A + Right: Randomize words
B + Up: Change Prompt forward
B + Down: Change Prompt backward
B + Left/Right: Randomize Prompt
Start: Save words to text file
Select: Open main menu